The most common alloys used for aluminium extrusions are :
6063: Suitable for intricate sections of mid strength. High corrosion resistance, good surface finish and responds well to decorative anodising
6082: The recommended alloy for structural purposes with good strength and general corrosion resistance. Although can be anodised for increased surface protection it is not recommended for decorative anodising
Other alloys are available.
Will your section require surface finishing? The two most common treatments are anodising or powder coating. Please see our dedicated pages for further information on aluminium finishing.
If you require your section to be supplied simply as mill finish (as extruded) please let us know if you will be surface treating at a later stage, so we can insure the most suitable product offer.
What finished length do you require your sections to be supplied in? Do you have a particular tight tolerance on the length you require? Sections are normally extruded in lengths between 3.0 and 6.5 mtrs long. We are able to offer in house re – cutting should you require shorter lengths.
Please refer to our useful design tips on aluminium extrusions.
Along with your design please let us know your usage (anticipated or actual) so we can insure the correct manufacturing route and commercial offer is made for your needs.
Is further fabrication required on your section? We are able to offer a full fabrication service including, machining , drilling, mitre cutting and hole tapping. See our aluminium extrusion fabrication pages for further details.
Let us know if your requirement is ongoing. You may like the benefit of knowing your section was available ex stock without having to wait for production lead times. We can offer a fully managed stockholding service for your extruded profile. See our aluminium extrusion stockholding page for further details.
Lastly do you have particular packaging requirements? These may include pack dimensions or maximum number of pieces per pack. Some customers require little or no packaging to help minimise their waste disposal requirements. Let us know your preferences.